Mary, I have no right giving medical advice, but here is what I know works for me.
The Atkins diet promises fast weight loss, but it is just not a healthy lifestyle. If you are eating a lot of refined sugars (high fructose corn syrup, sugar, etc.) that is found in almost every processed food, you must stop. These are not good for anybody. The human body's best source of fuel is indeed carbohydrate, but it must be from a natural source. Please, if you haven't already, start replacing processed junk foods with natural, whole grain products. Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables. Avoid high-fat protein sources, replacing them with modest amounts of lean meat like trimmed poultry and fish.
Again, I don't know your exact health status, but assuming you are not diabetic or anything, this is a good diet.
All carbohydrates are not equal. Refined sugars are terrible. They contain no nutrients or protein, and they spike your blood sugar, which only leads to a crash leaving you hungrier than before. High-quality complex carbs are loaded with B-vitamins, sufficient proteins, and dozens of other chemicals our bodies need. They enter your blood slower and last longer, leaving you more satisfied in the long run without a crash.
Hope this helps you get well.